Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Democracy and Industrialization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Democracy and Industrialization - Essay Example The reason why it has become a common strategy for change is that is allows the people to express their views and makes them motivated because their voice is also being listened for the required solution or achieving a specific goal.. In democratic system the people have the right to speak and think independently and it offers people freedom of speech and freedom of media which are essential parts of a powerful democratic system. There are two main principles for a successful democracy. The first principle is that all peoples in community have equal access to power and the other one is that all peoples enjoy universal freedom and liberties. There are different forms of democracy, some of which provide better representation and more freedoms for their citizens than others. (Amacom, American Management Association 1998) The Real and very essential advantage of democracy is that it fixes a regular ongoing process and allows people to find a better way of doing things which is comfortable for them. Tolerance is also one of the key factors of democracy which gives people to have patience in them and allow everyone to speak about their views. Democracy takes ideas from different peoples so that everyone can learn and get experience from one another. One of the characteristic features of democracy is Majority rule but at the same time it also focuses on the rights of minorities. Democracy also gives an independent judiciary system which gives a right to every citizen to be treated equally and provides justice to everyone without any racial discrimination. It gives protection to all citizens and it is compulsory for the Judiciary to provide equal justice to every citizen. People feel comfortable because they know that their safety needs as well as social needs are been protected by the law. Every person has the right to file a petition for demanding justice. Democratic system also gives Human rights to every citizen as it is core responsibility of government. (Ernest Dale 2007) EXAMPLE: Democratic System has been helpful in many countries very it has been fully recognized as a big source of change. One of the key successes is India where democracy has made them so stronger that India has become one of the biggest democratic countries in the world. Freedom of media has been given them and their has a powerful judiciary system for the safety of people and to provide equal justice to everyone and therefore there is boost in foreign investment since the law is powerful than the government. (Stephen R Hiatt, Richard L. Daft 2000) INDUSTRIALIZATION INTRODUCTION Industry can be defined as one of the major assets that really help your country to groom with a very rapid speed. Today in this fast moving competitive world every country is trying their level best to reach the top ranking and industry is one of the source that can lead them to a good position. (Gary R. Heerkens 2001) INDUSTRY IN GENERAL Generally, industry is the very important for any country because it has the ability to generate many resources that can be converted into any goods. With the help of industry it

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